Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Grapefruit Diet ... DIET!

McDonald's should never be given a dedicated left turn.

It is ridic that people make it so easy to be fat.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Waiting on the World to Change

This John Mayer song is interesting.

For any other artist, I would take the song's lyrics as they are; in this case, standard, jaded, anti-war teenage angst.

However, considering that John Mayer is much, much smarter than your average musician/lyricist/comedian, I'm tempted to believe that he's thinking on a higher level.

The lyrics to this song feel tainted with double meaning. E.g.:
It's hard to beat the system
When we're standing at a distance
I think most would assume that the "we" he refers to is standing at a distance not by choice but because that's as close as "we" can get. If he wanted to be more explicit, he should have said "When they keep us at a distance", or something along those lines. The fact that he uses the word "standing" connotes a feeling of inaction by choice. That's weird to me.

Also, e.g.:
One day our generation
Is gonna rule the population
So we keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change
These lines also seem to imply that "we" have a sense of entitlement to inherit the world, despite lacking the motivation or interest in making a difference.

Also, he could just be super-high all the time.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Things Just Ain't the Same for Gangsters

It's ridic how there are people at the amusement park who look visibly unhappy. I find it hard to believe that you can go to an amusement park and be angry.

Also, this little girl dropped her ice cream cone and it faceplanted onto the pavement. I have never seen someone look so thoroughly disappointed.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Under the Table and Dreaming

That was weird.

Last night I dreamt about hanging out with some person in a dorm room or something. However, I also remember thinking to myself that I didn't want to forget about some other dream I had, in which all I remember now is Burt going rollerblading with his dad (a short, fat Italiano looking man). I distinctly remember looking at his dad's rollerblades and thinking "Man, it is weird that they're going rollerblading. No one ever does that anymore."

The weird part about all this is that I don't know when I would have dreamt that I had this rollerblading dream. I don't remember waking up at any point last night, so I couldn't have had that dream earlier in the night.

This leads me to suspect that within the first dream, I was sleeping and dreamt about rollerblading, and then was woken up.

This may be the first time I have ever recursively-dreamt.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Pay For What You Get

I'm waiting in line to buy a bucket of balls at the driving range. There's a big dude in front of me also in line. I have some sort of song stuck in my head so I begin to whistle whilst I wait. Then, inexplicably, this big dude also decides to start whistling!

So now it's super awk because everyone knows (or should know) that two people cannot whistle simultaneously when within earshot of each other, because it just sounds awful. However, since this tard is apparently oblivious to this rule, I have to stop whistling, when it was my idea to begin with. Bah.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

This Is Bob Barker Saying ...

Have your watermelon spayed or neutered.

JUST SAY NO to seeded watermelon.

Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm In Love With A Stripper

Strip clubs are weird.

I don't foresee myself going to a strip club ever in my lifetime.

Maybe just once to celebrate Thanksgiving.

This post was not well thought out.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I Wanna Be a Rock Star

Drums are super bad-ass, and since high school it's been the one instrument I've always wanted to learn but never was able to do, since I lived in an apartment at the time. Also, knowing how to play the drums is impractical outside of actually being in a band, compared to playing guitar, piano, etc.

However, the thought of being to coordinate and use all four of my limbs independently from, and yet in concert with, each other has always blown my mind-grapes.

Thus, one goal of mine for the upcoming school year is to rock out in the jam room and learn the drums.

Friday, July 18, 2008

And Don't Forget the Fries

The new summer line of McDonald's commercials are absurd.

Hipster crackhead holding up a Southern Style Chicken Biscuit sangwich saying "Let's hear it for non-conformity!" I don't even know what to say about this.

Agh. This is blowing my mind-grapes.

And making me hungry.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

That Kid Just Hit It Farther Than Me

I've been going to the driving range a lot lately. Several times a week, in fact. It's weird that I don't know what the verb is to describe "going to the driving range" succinctly. "Driving" usually refers to operating an automobile, and "golfing" usually refers to playing 9-hole/18-hole.

In any case, I think I'm getting pretty decent at hitting the ball straight and far with the irons, after two summers of struggling massively. The woods still boggle my mind. It's gotten to the point now where I can drive 80%+ of my 3-irons straight for 200+ yards, which is encouraging; however, I probably hit 30%- of my 1-woods for about the same distance. That is dumb.

Also, putting is impos. Seems like people should be way more concerned about being able to putt, rather than being able to drive, since approx half of your strokes are from the putting green. Or at least that's what it seems like, since I 2- or 3-putt every hole.

Also, I think I will try to become good at golf without taking any lessons at all. Long-term, this is probably a bad decision, but I think it's way more interesting to figure it out on my own.

I will def try to go golfing a lot in this, the year of my seniority.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

You Got a Fast Car

So I'm driving on this busy local two-way, two-lane street. I'm in the left lane, and I see up ahead a car in the other direction trying to make a left turn. He apparently had been waiting for a while, because he finally cannot wait any longer and decides to make an aggro move. In the inappropriately small distance between the car in front of me and my car, he guns it into the turn, but, since it's a 2-lane street, he realizes that he can't squeeze through the cars in the other lane. So, he stops right in front of me, perpendicular to the road, waiting for the other lane to clear up.

Naturally, this kind of shit pisses me off, so I take my time slowing down, and come to a stop no more than an inch away from his car, you know, passive-aggressively indicating my disdain for his play. After a moment he finds a gap and completes his turn, and flicks me "the bird" while doing so.

It is ridic that he pulls a standard douche-bag move, and somehow I am the recipient of "the bird".

Also, it's weird that these kinds of things don't really bother me too much when I'm in the East Coast, but retarded drivers infuriate me when I'm in the West Coast.