Tuesday, July 15, 2008

You Got a Fast Car

So I'm driving on this busy local two-way, two-lane street. I'm in the left lane, and I see up ahead a car in the other direction trying to make a left turn. He apparently had been waiting for a while, because he finally cannot wait any longer and decides to make an aggro move. In the inappropriately small distance between the car in front of me and my car, he guns it into the turn, but, since it's a 2-lane street, he realizes that he can't squeeze through the cars in the other lane. So, he stops right in front of me, perpendicular to the road, waiting for the other lane to clear up.

Naturally, this kind of shit pisses me off, so I take my time slowing down, and come to a stop no more than an inch away from his car, you know, passive-aggressively indicating my disdain for his play. After a moment he finds a gap and completes his turn, and flicks me "the bird" while doing so.

It is ridic that he pulls a standard douche-bag move, and somehow I am the recipient of "the bird".

Also, it's weird that these kinds of things don't really bother me too much when I'm in the East Coast, but retarded drivers infuriate me when I'm in the West Coast.